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Table of Contents

1 Interface

1.1 Completion

(use-package company-inf-ruby)

2 Tools

2.1 Bundler

(use-package bundler
  :load-path "~/projects/emacs/bundler.el")

2.2 Rspec

(use-package rspec-mode)

2.3 Yari

(use-package yari)

2.3.1 Making it work

Get the base ruby documentation here

gem install rdoc-data
rdoc-data --install

This gets all the rdoc for your installed gems

gem rdoc --all --ri

3 Mode

3.1 Ruby Block mode

This is gone?!?

(use-package ruby-block
  :diminish "[R] "
  :ensure t
  (setq ruby-block-highlight-toggle t)

3.2 Rinari

Rinari Is Not A Rails Ide. ESPRYGAA! (Emagicians Starter Pack Rejects Your Goofy Acronym Assertion!)

(use-package rinari
  :ensure t
  :diminish "🚅 ")

3.3 Robe

(use-package robe
  :ensure t)

3.4 Mode setup

Thanks to the emacs starter kit classic for the list of ode files list.

(use-package ruby-mode
  :interpreter "ruby"
  (("\\.rake$" . ruby-mode)
   ("\\.task$" . ruby-mode)
   ("\\.thor$" . ruby-mode)
   ("\\.gemspec$" . ruby-mode)
   ("\\.rb$" . ruby-mode)
   ("\\.ru$" . ruby-mode)
   ("Rakefile$" . ruby-mode)
   ("Thorfile$" . ruby-mode)
   ("Gemfile$" . ruby-mode)
   ("Capfile$" . ruby-mode)
   ("Vagrantfile$" . ruby-mode))
  (use-package ruby-tools)
  (emagician/minor-in-major-mode ruby-tools-mode ruby-mode-hook))

4 Environment

4.1 Add RBEnv path   disabled

This used to be required to make rbenv work, but not any more.

(emagician/add-to-path (concat (getenv "HOME") "/.rbenv/shims") t)


Author: Jonathan Arkell

Created: 2018-05-18 Fri 10:30
